Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Refinery Gets 3 Citations for Load Rack Explosion

OSHA inspectors' finding was that NFPA 30- 2008 Chapter 28 section 11.1.7 was not being followed. Chapter 28 section 11.1.7 describes equipment requirements for loading and unloading of tank vehicles states: when bottom loading a tank vehicle, a positive means shall be provided for loading a predetermined quantity of liquid, together with a secondary automatic shutoff control to prevent overfilling.

Like NPFA 30 (2008), API RP 1004 (2003) describes use of independent secondary shut-off control specifically for preventing overfills/spills. However it should be reported that over 95% of bottom loading taker truck facilities are not compliant with either.

API defines proper valve closure at 1 to 2 seconds. Based on empirical valve performance data there are an estimated 236 valve failures per day in the US alone. A valve failure is defined as a minimum of 6 seconds to closure (zero fuel flow). This translates to 236 spills in fixed land facilities. Given this reality we are lucky not to have more catastrophic results as at the AGE load rack.

More information on the subject matter:

San Antonio Express News Report Click here

Standard Cited: 5A0001 OSH Act General Duty Paragraph

Violation Items
Nr: 314299793
Citation: 01001
Issuance: 10/29/2010
ReportingID: 0625500
Viol Type:
Contest Date:
Abatement Date:
Nr Exposed:
Final Order:
Initial Penalty:
Current Penalty:
Haz Category:

Text For Citation: 01 Item/Group: 001 Hazard: EXPLOSION
Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970: The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were exposed to the hazards of fire and explosion: a) Bay 4 of the AGE Refinery loading facility: On or about May 5, 2010, and times past and thereto, employees were exposed to fire and a series of explosions when a tank truck was overfilled with a flammable liquid. Among other methods, one feasible and acceptable abatement method to correct this hazard is to follow the operating requirements of NFPA 30- 2008 Chapter 28 section 11.1.7 for Loading and Unloading of Tank Vehicles which states: when bottom loading a tank vehicle, a positive means shall be provided for loading a predetermined quantity of liquid, together with a secondary automatic shutoff control to prevent overfilling.